Town of Madrid Planning Board Minutes
April 2021
Date: April 1, 2021
Time: 6:30
Note: This meeting is being conducted remotely via Zoom due to concerns around the transmission of
the Covid 19 virus.
Attendees: Joe Finnegan Chr., Allen Kelly Sec., Tony Cooper Sup., Wayne Day, Bruce Durant, Bill Hull.
The minutes for the month of march were distributed electronically previously to members for
review. A motion to accept the minutes as written was made by Wayne Day and seconded by Bruce
Durant. The minutes were then accepted by unanimous consent of the members present.
Old Business: The Veterinary Clinic proposed for the location on Rte 310 needs to provide more
detailed plans and drawings to be forwarded to the County Planning Office for review. Their consent
will be required along with the Town Planning Board’s as the proposed project is located on a County
highway. Tony Cooper agreed to inform Jeff Gilson of the this need so as to facilitate the review
process and enable it to go forward expeditiously.
Re: Proposed Solar site on the Chipman Corners road has started although no site work has yet begun.
Re: Former Watson’s Chevrolet Building has been partially demolished and is now rubble with the
exception of the block structure which remains standing. Due to financial concerns, Alice Reed has
been unable to continue with the removal which is an expensive endeavor. She has told a board
member that she has made arrangements with someone to help her to accomplish this in the future.
It is a large structure and the associated costs are appreciable. The board notes her efforts to date and
is hopeful that more progress will happen with the improvement of the weather in the Spring.
Re: Michael Middlemiss residence remains in very bad shape. Although some litter has been cleared
from the front yard much is still there. The entire backyard is very unsightly and unkept. This property
is owned by Trudy Lawrence and she has been informed of the need for it to be attended to.
Bill Hulll stated that he will be attending a Town Board Meeting to discuss the land transfers/Grant
that he has proposed along with changing Elm Street to. A 1 way Street in the future. This would also.
Involve the County because it is located on a County Highway also. It is believed it would help with
traffic congestion and parking on the public square also.
Tony Copper reported that the Town has retained Colin Loomis as the new. Attorney for the Town of
Madrid. He is originally from Waddington and went to School at Madrid-Waddington as a child.
It was agreed that Planning Board would resume meetings in person at the Town Offices in the month
of May. The Town Board is reportedly scheduled to do so also
Bill Hull made a motion to Adjourn and Bruce Durant Seconded the motion.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:04.