Boards & Committees

Anthony Cooper, Supervisormadridtownsupervisor@gmail.com315-322- 5760
David Fisher, Councilmandfisher307@gmail.com315-322-5760
Garry Wells, Councilmangwells@slic.com315-322-5760
Kevin Finnegan, Councilman315-322-5760

Monthly Board Meetings are on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, at 6:30 PM

Planning Board

Meeting on the first Thursday of the month at 6:00

Joseph Finnegan, Chairpersonjfinnega@twcny.rr.com315-322-4017
Allen Kellymsprings38@yahoo.com315-322-5647
Wayne Dayday37@slic.com315-322-8956
Bruce Durant


To ensure continued safety, prosperity, and improving quality of life for the residents of the Town of Madrid.

Mission Statement

  • Promote awareness and understanding for the community concerning the benefits of compliance with the applicable Town codes and standards.
  • Promote controlled and planned economic development.
  • Promote public safety.
  • Improve aesthetics of the community by promoting property maintenance and improvement.

Planning Board Minutes