May 2021 Planning Board Minutes

Town of Madrid Planning Board Minutes

May 2021

Date: May 6, 2021
Time: 6:33
Attendees: Joe Finnegan Chr., Allen Kelly Sec., Wayne Day.
Absent: Bill Hull, Bruce Durant, Jeff Gilson, Code Enforcement.
The meeting was called to order with the minimum requirement of 3 members for a quorum having
been met.
Minutes for April: The minutes for April were previously distributed for review by the board. A motion
to approve them as written was made by Wayne Day and seconded by Allen Kelly. The minutes were
then approved by unanimous consent of the members present.
Note: this meeting is the first meeting of the calendar year to be conducted in person due to Covid 19
and the need for protective measures. All members of the board and others present have been
vaccinated to prevent infection and spread of the virus.
Old Business: The status of cases before the court is unknown at this time. It is believed that court will
be starting up in person again soon. Some minimal progress was noted in the front yard at the
Michael Middlemiss residence on State street. He is reportedly now back living at the home again.
No other reports from code enforcement have been made to the board on other properties of
New Business: No new business was before the board this evening.
A motion to adjourn was made by Wayne Day and seconded by Allen Kelly.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:33.

February 10, 2021 Minutes

February 10, 2021

     A regular meeting of the Madrid Town Board was called to order at 6:32 PM

     Members present: Tony Cooper, Garry Wells , Alex Smith, David Fisher, Bill Barkley- Highway Supt. ,  Zoe Hawkins- Town Clerk.

     Absent: Kevin Finnegan

     Also Present, Casey Mastro.

     Public Comment: Casey Mastro, from the New York Power Authority  wants to get the street lights in the Town converted to LED. There would be long term savings for the town, and NYPA would be looking at doing service contract for 1-2 years. Tony is going to try to contact National Grid, to try to find a price to purchase the current fixtures.

     Municipal Reports: Anna Campbell  gave an MDMS report, they are hoping to host an Easter Bunny Parade in March, date will be dependent on the Fire dept., and weather. 

     MDMS is also hoping to host a free prom clothing event, if schools will be hosting prom this year.

     MDMS is reading to set up a 1st meeting of the new build of a bandstand with the committee, and board members.  In the near future, MDMS will be announcing online virtual concerts.

     The board reviewed the monthly report, Alex Smith made a motion, 2nd by Garry Wells to approve. All were in favor.

     The board reviewed the monthly bills, General 23-48 in the amount of $9,570.85 Highway 19-38 in the amount of $33,049.46, Water 6-11 in the amount of $2,074.25, Sewer 7-13 in the amount of $3,145.96,  Lighting 2 in the amount of $1,791,  and Trust & Agency 2, for the amount of $5,208.50. Garry Wells made a motion, second by Alex Smith to pay the monthly bills. All were in favor.

     Communications:  The NNY Housing Council submitted in an extension letter, so that they can finish up current projects that were held back due to COVID, and not being able to get building materials in a timely manner. 10 out of the 12 projects are complete.

     The justice court fund for December of 2020, was $713.00 to the town, and $497.00 to the State.

     The town received the 1st quarter sales tax check, in the amount of $89,509.07.

      Highway Superintendent’s Report: Bill reported that he is looking into a new payloader, the current payloader is 5 years old, and has 3,300 hours on it.

Bill was also wanting to address the drainage issue, in the town square, wondering when the property transfer will be completed, so that can be taken care of.

     New Business: The town insurance renewal has been completed, and there have been updated exposure for the equipment.

      Alex Smith made a motion, second by Garry Wells to approve the minutes of the January 13th,  2021.   All in Favor.

     The next regular meeting will be on Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 6:30 P.M.

     Garry Wells made a motion, 2nd by Alex smith to adjourn the meeting at 7:58 P.M.


      Zoe Hawkins, Town Clerk

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