January 13, 2021

January 13, 2021

     A regular meeting  of the Madrid Town Board was called to order at 6:30 P.M. Via Zoom.

     Members Present: Tony Cooper, Alex Smith, Garry Wells, David Fisher, Kevin Finnegan,  Bill Barkley- Hwy Super, Zoe Hawkins-Town Clerk

     Also Present: Kevin Acres, Judy Hargrave.

     Public Comment: Kevin Acres presented a Certificate of Recognition to Judy Hargrave for her 30 years of service, from the Board of Legislatures.

     Kevin reports sales tax is going to stay the same.

     CR 30 property, the county will not be responsible for the cost of cleanup, if it’s a foreclosure.

     Kevin also reported, Maxcy Hall at SUNY Potsdam will be a COVID vaccine site, they are hoping to get up to 1,000 vaccines per day, but are unsure of when they will hit that goal.

     MDMS reported they met their goal, for the bandstand, of $19,000, they will be using $1,000.00 of that for plans. They are hoping to meet with Steve Rookey for the plans in February, and hoping to have a new stand for this summer.

     The Board reviewed the monthly report. Kevin Finnegan made a motion 2nd by Alex Smith to approve the monthly report.

     The monthly bills were reviewed. General 1-18 at the amount of $7,598.88, Highway 1-18 for $6882.66, Sewer 1-4 for $1,884.64, Lights #1 for $1,649.84, and Trust & Agency for $30,510.33

     Communications: Mortgage tax was $7,100.59 received on December 11th, 2020.

     A bill was signed for the county to protect workers, that are considered essential, and a list of those jobs were made. There are also Emergency plans, and Protocol that will be put into place for COVID-19.

     The housing Council submitted their final request, and a public hearing will be needed for the close out.

     TSA clean energy is looking to lease 25-30 acres for solar energy.

      The Assessor gave her report. David Fisher made a motion to approve, 2nd by Garry Wells. All were in favor.

     Highway Report: Bill reported that there has been a light snow season so far.

     Truck number 8 has been worked on, a new radiator, and fan clutch were installed.

     Bill also mentioned he has to find out what amount he is getting from CHIPS this year.

 Old Business: The town is waiting to hear back from Teamsters negotiation committee.

 Solar Pilot was discussed, and there were questions in need of answering, such as,  How is the assessment changed? Does it revert to farmland? Does the energy company pay extra taxes? The board decided to table this, and discuss at a later date. Motion made by Kevin Finnegan, 2nd by David Fisher.

New Business: The Highway Dept. gave the agreement to spend town highway funds, of $195,000 for the year for the board members to approve and sign off on.

The Madrid Town Board has opened an HRA for the retirees of the town, in an amount of 2,600.00 per person.

Appointments for 2021:

     David Fisher made a motion, second by Alex Smith to set mileage at $.575 per mile for use of personal vehicles for official town business during 2020. All were in favor.

     Kevin Finnegan made a motion, second by David Fisher to designate the Watertown Daily Times as official newspapers for the Town of Madrid for 2021. All were in favor.

Garry Wells made a resolution, second by Kevin Finnegan to designate the Madrid Community Bank NA as the depository for town money. All were in favor.

     Alex Smith made a motion, second by Kevin Finnegan to hold the regular town board meetings on the second Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm. All were in favor.

Garry Wells made a motion, second by David Fisher to appoint Sara Schulz and Carrie Rutherford as co-town historians for 2021. All were in favor.

     Kevin Finnegan made a motion, second by Alex Smith to authorize membership in the NYS Association of Towns with Tony Cooper as the delegate and David Fisher as the alternate delegate. All were in favor.

     David Fisher made a motion, second by Garry Wells to authorize the Supervisor to use the short form for the Supervisor’s annual report to the newspaper. All were in favor.

     The Supervisor appointed himself budget officer for 2021.

     Alex Smith made a motion, second by Kevin Finnegan to appoint James Pipher Sr. as Dog Control Officer with a salary of $4,203.00. All were in favor.

     Kevin Finnegan made a motion, second by Garry Wells to appoint Collin Loomis As Town Attorney for 2021 with a salary of $3,225.00. All were in favor.

     Alex Smith made a motion, second David Fisher to appoint Zoe Hawkins  as Registrar of Vital Statistics with a salary of $1,555.00, with Kerri O’Bryan the Deputy. All were in favor.

      Kevin Finnegan made a motion, second by David Fisher to appoint Judy Hargrave as water and sewer billing clerk with a salary of $2,432.00 and Zoe Hawkins as the collector also for $2,432.00. All were in favor.

      Garry Wells  made a motion, second by Alex Smith to appoint Jeffrey Gilson as Code Enforcement Officer for 2021 with a compensation of $10,084.00. All were in favor.

   Kevin Finnegan made a motion, second by Garry Wells to set the Senior Citizen Exemption at $20,000 with a sliding scale to 20%. All were in favor.

   David Fisher made a motion, second by Alex Smith to appoint William Barkley as Water and Sewer Superintendent with a compensation of $5,520.00. All were in favor.

     David Fisher made a motion, second by Kevin Finnegan to appoint Thomas Rutherford as Deputy Water and Sewer Superintendent with a compensation of $500.00. All were in favor.

     Garry Wells made a motion, second by Kevin Finnegan to appoint Kerri O’Bryan as Court Clerk with a salary of $12,546.00. All were in favor.

     Alex Smith made a resolution, second by David Fisher to allow the Highway Superintendent to exchange work with other highway departments when feasible in a fair and equitable manner and to authorize the Supervisor to sign inter-municipal agreements to that effect. All were in favor.

     Kevin Finnegan made a resolution, second by Garry Wells to limit the Highway Superintendent to expenditures of $2,999.99 without Town Board approval. All were in favor.

     Alex Smith made a motion, second by Garry Wells to allow the Supervisor to sign a contract for the provision of emergency medical services for the Town of Madrid with the Madrid Rescue Squad Inc. in the amount of $33,000.00. All were in favor.

     Garry Wells made a motion, second by Kevin Finnegan to authorize the highway Superintendent to attend schools, and conferences in the spring and fall.

     Garry Wells  made a motion, second by David Fisher to pay the following Town Officials Salaries according to the 2020 budget: All were in favor.

      Supervisor                                                  $11,000.00

      Town Clerk                                                $22,153.00

      Town Justice                                              $11,042.00

      Town Council (each)                                  $ 2,750.00

      Highway Supt                                             $44,445.00

      Registrar of Vital Statistics                          $ 1,555.00

      Historian   (each)                                        $ 350.00

      Town Attorney                                           $ 3,225.00

      Assessor                                                    $15,382.00

     The Supervisor appointed David Fisher as Deputy Town Supervisor.

     Zoe Hawkins appointed Kerri O’Bryan and Judy Hargrave as Deputy Town Clerk at an hourly     rate of $16.00. All were in favor.

     The Highway Supt. appointed Thomas Rutherford as Deputy Highway Supt.

     The Supervisor appointed the following committees:

     Planning Board: David Fisher and Tony Cooper

     Insurance: Tony Cooper and Garry Wells

     Highway: Garry Wells and Kevin Finnegan

     Parks and Recreation: Kevin Finnegan and Alex Smith

     Personnel: Tony Cooper and David Fisher

     Water and Sewer: Kevin Finnegan and Alex Smith

     Library: Alex Smith and Garry Wells

     Fire and Rescue: David Fisher and Alex Smith

     5 Year Planning: Tony Cooper and Garry Wells

     Budget & Finance: Tony Cooper and David Fisher

     Audit day will be January 25 at 10 AM.

     Kevin Finnegan made a motion, second by David Fisher to approve the minutes of the December 9th, 2020 town board meetings. All were in favor.

     Next regular meeting will be February 10th @ 6:30 PM.

     Alex Smith made a motion, second by Garry Wells to adjourn at 7:45 PM.

    Zoe Hawkins, Town Clerk