
The Madrid Town Clerk will be closed on Thursday, March 28th.

End of Year Meeting

The Madrid Town Board will be having a special meeting on Wednesday, December 27th at 10 AM, at the Madrid Town Office to pay end of the year bills, and discuss anything else that may come before the board.

Dated: 12/18/2023

Zoe Hawkins, Town Clerk

Planning Board Meeting

The Town of Madrid Planning Board will have a public hearing held to discuss the Digester Project proposed to be put in at Mapleview Dairy on December 18, 2023, at 6:00 PM at the Madrid Town Office. Following the meeting there will be a public comment period of 14 days. Comments can be submitted in writing to present concerns about the impact this project might have upon the community.


Madrid Town Clerk will be closed at Noon on Wednesday 11/22 and All day on Thursday 11/23 for Thanksgiving.

March 2022-December 2023 Planning Board Minutes