April 14, 2021 Board Minutes

April 14, 2021

     A regular meeting of the Madrid Town Board was called to order at 6:30 P.M.

     Members Present: Tony Cooper, Garry Wells, Alex Smith, Kevin Finnegan, Bill Barkley- Highway Supt., and Zoe Hawkins- Town Clerk.  Absent: David Fisher

     Also Present: Collin Nicol, Bill Hull, Collin Loomis, Tammy Hawkins, Anna Campbell, Megan Moulton, Philip Paige.

     Public Comment: Megan Moulton was checking for the beautification committee on where to plant flowers, it was previously mentioned that the first layer on the stone wall recently cleared off by the bridge would be a good spot. For the second layer of the wall, Bill Barkley is going to get quotes on Junipers or something else low maintenance that will help keep the sumac from growing.

     Bill Hull wanted to see how the property transfer is coming along, Collin Loomis has been in contact with Bills attorney about this.

     Anna Campbell reported she will be doing a free prom clothing event in the old Waddington school.

     MDMS asks the board to assist with the costs of the MDMS  children’s  BOOK BUNDLE events. The receipts were submitted prior and have been paid from our MDMS account. Each year  for the past 2 years… we host 2 book bundles events…and each time there are nearly 50 children in our community enriched. This past year we made covid safe the bundles, they were placed in bags for safe pickup at the library. MDMS has $400 invested in this project and we have supplies for the rest of 2021 and for 2022. Would the town assist MDMS  with an amount that  Amy would transfer from the  town children’s  account to the MDMS account? Alex Smith made a motion, second by Garry Wells to allow a transfer of $400.00 or less.  All in favor.

     Anna reported about the new bandstand, Steve will be speaking with David and  the committee  with the goal of design decision later this week. The next big need of the project is the quick removal of the old band stand  to proceed. Work to begin as soon as possible for completion as our Project Leader and our Electrician  have summer  commitments. MDMS was gifted $250 of LED lighting for the stage. Alex Smith made a motion, second by Kevin Finnegan to have the current bandstand removed starting the week of April 19. All were in favor.

     MDMS was selected  to receive a grant that requires our summer plans to be submitted for the payment. We are soon under a time crunch to complete the requirements for the grant award payment.   Info is required on how we plan to proceed on our Summer 2021 event evenings.

     Anna said that, The Madrid Park has a natural lawn space that would be our MDMS responsibility to meet the limitation of 200 people or less at an event.   It is the grass area between the paved path to the playground and across to the water front.  It would begin at the band stand and go back to the far end of the pavilion.

     MDMS has cancelled any food sales and will not use the Park Community Building for foods or as  rain location to respect the need of social distance requirements. SLPEM Board has offered their Carriage Barn for any rain dates. All Covid safety and  safe distance requirements of  1/3 capacity requirements would be in place. We reduced our usual 10 summer nights to only 6 nights….with penciled in bookings for our Summer 2021. MDMS,  upon Town board vote  to proceed. Alex Smith made a motion, second by Garry wells to allow the MDMS to proceed. All were in favor.

     The planning board is working with the vet who wants to build a new clinic at the State highway 310 and county route 44 intersection. The county is involved with this.

     The board is going to request code enforcement officer, Jeff Gilson start submitting monthly reports, and attend board meetings.

     The library is now open by appointment.

     The board reviewed the monthly report. Kevin Finnegan made a motion, second by Alex Smith to acknowledge receipt of the monthly report. All were in favor.

      The board reviewed the monthly bills, General #78-100 for $8,141.58, Highway #58-72 for $8,067.90, Water #21-25 for $2,104.28, Sewer # 24-29 for $2,050.38, Lighting #4 for $1,514.18 and Trust & Agency #4 for $5,208.50. Kevin Finnegan made a motion, second by Alex Smith to pay the bills. All were in favor.

     Communications: The Justice court fund was $404.00 to the town, and $526.00 to New York State.

     Highway Report: Bill presented the updated proposal for the payloader, after the trade in of the current one for $100,000.00, the balance due will be $122,454.00. Alex Smith made a motion, second by Garry Wells to have Bill order the payloader. All were in favor.

     Bill also presented the current quote for a new Kubota mower, with a price of $15,475.32. Alex Smith made a motion, second by Garry Wells to order the new mower.  All in favor.

     Bill is going to be placing several items on the online auction site, including Single Axle dump truck, cab and Chassis, the old lawn mower, and other misc. items.

     The bleachers for baseball have been repaired, and repainted.

     There have been repairs made at the sewer plant, and the chlorine injection lines were replaced at the water plant.

     The docks have been put in, and Bill recommended the one be replaced. The board said to repair and maintain the current docks.

     The board directed the Highway Superintendent to pick up the sand and debris piles on the county roads in the hamlet.

     Old Business:  The Teamster documents have been signed.

     The town is waiting to hear back on getting the street lights upgraded to LED.

     New Business: The town offices will be open to the public, as of April 15th.

     The community building will be open starting May 1st for the use of Bathrooms, but reservations will not be taking for dates before the 4th of July.

     Kevin Finnegan made a motion, second by Alex Smith to approve the minutes from the March 10th, and 24th  meetings. All in favor.

     At 8:14 PM the board went into executive session and came out at 8:28 PM with no votes taken.

     The next regular board meeting will be May 12, 2021 at 6:30 P.m.

     Kevin Finnegan made a motion to Adjourn at 8:29 P.m.


   Zoe Hawkins, Town Clerk