August 11, 2021 Board Minutes

August 11, 2021

     A regular meeting of the Madrid Town Board was called to order at 6:33 P.M. in the Town Office.

     Members present: Tony Cooper, Garry Wells, Kevin Finnegan, Alex Smith, Bill Barkley Hwy. Supt., Zoe Hawkins- Town Clerk.

     Absent: David Fisher.

     Also Present: Allison Barkley, Dennis Moore, Collin Nicol.

     Public Comment: A letter has been sent, and accepted by the Housing Counsel to use up the remaining funds, and finish the current project.

     Plans for the Vet Clinic to be built have been submitted to the county.

     No Assessor report for July.

     MDMS: Audience numbers are good, 20-30 people are choosing to remain in or at their car  for their own safe distance and comfort. MDMS has AUG  11th and 18th as our last published Summer Series dates. We still have Aug 28th reserved for any make update or a late notice  special performance. MDMS has no current plans to host a fall dance or performances for September or rest of 2021.

      Attorney: Abstract done for the Hulls property, it has been sent to Bill Hulls attorney, waiting on closing documents.

     Allison Barkley came in to speak about getting Wifi, and an updated security system for the Community Building. Wifi would be good for community events so they could be streamed, and good for people who don’t have Wifi access at home. Bill is going to get 2 more quotes for a security system for the park to be reviewed by the board.

     Collin Nicol has some concerns with his water appearing dirty.  The Department of health says that the water has met its safety standards.

     The board reviewed the monthly report, Kevin Finnegan made a motion, 2nd by Garry Wells to acknowledge receipt of monthly report. All were in favor.

     The board reviewed  the monthly bills, General # 202-229 for $7,477.16, Highway #115-125 for $16,307.60, Water #49-58 for $2,283.60, Sewer # 51-56 for $4,383.85, Lighting #8 for $1,278.65, and Trust & Agency #8 $5,208.50. Garry Wells made a motion to pay the bills, 2nd by Alex Smith. All were in favor.

     Communications:  The town got The Bank note from Community bank to pay the interest/principal on the library loan, which is $7,000.00

     A letter has been written for the Library so they can get a apply for a grant to have the community room Kitchen remodeled.

     NYS Justice Court Fund for May 2021, Town- $1,074.00 and State- $2,336.00

     3rd Quarter sales tax was $106,862.52 which is up $20,000 compared to 2020. $85,000 will go to highway, the remaining amount will go to the general account.

      The board members each received an invite to the rescue squad banquet on September 17th.

      Highway: The county is paving County Route 30.

      The payloader is expected for delivery on 9/15.

      Power authority is going to repair all the roads that have been damaged from their equipment once the powerline project is complete.

     Bill has had all the surplus equipment placed on Auctions International.

     Bill, and the personnel committee will be interviewing people for the Highway dept. position.

     Old Business: A resolution to bond for the payloader for the town was approved if needed. A motion was made by Alex Smith, 2nd by Garry Wells, all were in favor of this.  

     Ilya Kholodenko from NYPA has Tonya Dougal Pushing National Grid to get a cost & Data for the streetlights.

     ARPA money has been received, this can be used for roads.

     New Business: Considering Budget for 2022.

       Kevin Finnegan made a motion, 2nd by Alex Smith to approve the minutes of the July 14th, 2021 meeting. All were in favor.

     Next regular meeting will be Wednesday, September 8th at 6:30 PM.

     Kevin Finnegan made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:29 PM.


Zoe Hawkins, Town Clerk