Attendees: Joe Finnegan Chr., Allen Kelly Sec., Wayne Day, Bruce Durant, Bill Hull,
Jeff Gilson Code Enforcement.
The minutes for the month of June were previously distributed via Email for review by Board Members
prior to tonight’s meeting. A motion to accept the minutes for the Month of June as written was made
by Bruce Durant and seconded by Wayne Day. The minutes were then approved by a vote of unanimous
New Business: Joe Said he got a letter about Solar Projects and a request for the minutes of the Planning
Board. Secretary will look into this matter and try to provide this information.
Brooke Pryce: is interested in building a small building for her a cleaning service business.
It appears their property is zoned R/A and there is no reason that this could not be done there.
Secretary will write her a letter requesting drawings of her proposed building with setbacks as this will
have to be sent to the county for review as it is adjacent to a county road.
JP Fetterly is interested in a body repair shop at his home on the Jenner Road.
There is a party interested in building a solar farm on a property adjacent to The Cemetery along the
river off Main Street. That property is zoned R/H and cannot be used for commercial solar as per that
Elm Street is still congested and dangerous when large trucks transit that bend in the road. Bill Hull has
Given property to the Town for parking out in front of the Blue House Restaurant. More needs to be
done by the Town Board to facilitate changing the parking area. Changing El. Street to a one way street
is a possibility that might be considered in the future. It is believed that this could help relieve traffic
congestion in the downtown area somewhat with the addition of more parking spaces in front of the
blue house restaurant.
Motion to Close the meeting By Allen Kelly seconded by Bruce Durant.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:13.