June 9, 2021
A regular meeting of the Madrid Town Board was called to order was called to order at 6:30 P.M. in the Town Office.
Members present: Tony Cooper, Garry Wells, Kevin Finnegan, David Fisher, Alex Smith, Bill Barkley- Highway Supt. Zoe Hawkins- Town Clerk.
Also Present: Anna Campbell, Jeff Gilson, Tammy Hawkins.
Public Comment: Housing counsel has stated there is excess money, enough to do one more project, the town has asked for an extension to complete the last project, and use up the remaining funds.
Code Enforcement: Jeff Gilson said he has completed 18 permits so far this year. Some of the properties he has cited owners for have begun to show some cleanup progress. No update on the proposed vet clinic.
Assessor: Amy Hunt reported that Grievance Day was Wednesday, May 27 between 4pm – 8pm and all went well. We had a total of 3 grievances, which were all from SLIC. After she sent out all the “Change Notices”, she received calls and met with taxpayers. Amy was able to explain why their assessment increased and they appeared to be satisfied with my explanation. Amy thought she was going to have at least 1 in person grievance. He felt his assessment was too high for his brand new home. He gave me a list of comparable for review. She gave him the grievance paperwork and for him to return it to me filled out. She never received the paperwork back from him and he never came to grievance night.
MDMS: CDC guidelines have been released, and the MDMS will adjust as guidelines ease requirements. Anna has a site visit planned with Josh and Bill Barkley and are hoping to move the picnic tables under the pavilion as little as possible. The fundraiser and sign selling is very successful, and the SLC grant funding has arrived. If there is any extra paving material available, Anna has suggested it be used to put some by the park shed doorway, to make it easier to roll equipment in and out of. MDMS is hoping to have a float in the 4th of July parade.
The board reviewed the monthly report. David Fisher made a motion, second by Garry Wells to acknowledge receipt of the monthly report. All were in favor.
The board reviewed the monthly bills, General #134-168 in the amount of $13,661.86, Highway #88-102 for the amount of $27,253.93, Water #33-40 in the amount of $2,204.91, Sewer #35-40 in the amount of $1,745.80, Lighting #6 for $1,219.81, and Trust & Agency #6 for $5,208.50. Kevin Finnegan made a motion to pay the bills, second by David Fisher. All were in favor.
Communications: The Bassmasters are looking for donation for the 2021 event.
NYS Dept. of Tax and Financial equalization rate for the 2021 assessment roll is, 84%.
Justice court fund for the month o April 2021, The town received $567.00 and the state received $2,193.00.
St. Lawrence One Stop Career center sent their summer youth work agreement, the town is waiting to hear back from the insurance company regarding this.
Highway: Bill is waiting to hear back from the town accountant on if the town can bond the payloader, or if it should be leased.
Bill wants to meet with the highway committee, and look into getting someone hired to learn the water and sewer, and other job duties that are required to work in the highway department.
Bill updated his agreement for spending Highway Fund.
The town is going to speak with the county about County Route 30, it is in poor shape, and cannot be maintained properly in the winter time unless the county paves it.
The Crowned vetch was planted on the hill by the bridge, on 6/9/2021.
Bill wants to look into getting a tractor, and a road side mower for the town.
Bill spoke with Bob Henninger about his quality of water, and about giving him a Water inspection report from the department of health.
Old Business: The Lawyer reports the transfer of the property from Bill Hull is moving forward, a new abstract is being worked on.
New Business: The board is going to begin looking at and considering the Budget for 2022.
Kevin Finnegan made a motion, 2nd by Alex Smith to approve the minutes for May 12th, 2021
The next regular meeting will be on Wednesday, July 14th 2021 at 6:30 P.M.
Kevin Finnegan made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 P.M.
Zoe Hawkins, Town Clerk