October 2021 Board Minutes

October 13, 2021

     A public hearing to review the 2022 budget was called to order at 5:30 PM in the Town Office.

     Members present: Tony Cooper, Garry Wells, David Fisher, Kevin Finnegan, Bill Barkley – Highway Supt. and Zoe Hawkins – Town Clerk.

     Absent: Alex Smith

     Also present: Amy Moulton, Dick and Phyllis McDougal

     The rescue squad presented their budget.

     The board reviewed the tentative budget for 2022.

     The budget meeting was closed at 6:30 PM and the regular meeting started.

      Also Present: Dennis Moore, Anna Campbell, Bob Henninger, Steve Rookey, Colin Nicol, Elaine Searm, Tammy Hawkins, Rachel Murphy, Raven Murphy and Alicia Maynard.  

     Public Comment: Aaron Jarvis is working on a roof plan for the Front of the town office, on the court side. After reviewing the plans, Kevin would like to make a few suggestions, as well as has some questions for Aaron on them. Tony told Kevin to contact Aaron.

     MDMS: Anna participated in the St. Law. Co. Arts zoom meeting, for those who have received grants. 2021 Summer ended with all expenses covered. Anna stated that the community would like to have more events, and many of these can be low cost or fully donated, and volunteered. She feels like town budget should be more supportive of these events. The MDMS will have performance fees of over $600 in the year of 2022. Anna received a signature from Tony on a letter from the town for a 2022 Arts Council State grant to assist with the summer series performance fees.

     Bob Henninger asked about the meeting minutes, and wondered about them being posted on the website earlier than after the next board meeting. He was told that the minutes cannot be posted on the website, until after the board approves them at the meetings.  Bob also wanted to follow up on what has been done so far on the water issues on Caroline street. Bill gave a day by day report on everything he has done since the September meeting. The system has been flushed several times, and within 3 days is brown again. Bill has met with Morris Coolidge from NY Rural Water, and Joe Brandt from D.O.H., Joe said this is not a health issue, but it does need to be addressed. Morris, and Joe also suggested that the town contact their engineer about possible grant money. Bill is told the ultimate repair will be to loop the water lines, but this could possibly spread the problem to other consumers on the new line. Bill spoke with Steve Wordell, who wants to meet with Brian Paige to talk to about doing testing, and dosage levels. Bill called and left messages with Brian Hagget, and Nick Montroy for budgetary estimates. Nick Montroy is going to get an estimate to Bill on what it’s going to cost it make the loop. A FOIL was done to receive information from the DEC about the Caroline street, and 310 water project. Bob suggested contacting Slack Chemical for different products for testing, and testing in multiple areas of the waterline. Bob also Suggested that it may be a possibility to get money from the DEC spill fund. Bob asked about the ARPA money, and said there will need to be a public hearing before this money is used. Bob says the closest fire hydrant to his house is 1,000 feet. He believes if possible, when there should be more installed, one at the sewer plant, and another one 500 Feet away. He suggested that Bill pay overtime so that the lines can be flushed at 10 P.M. instead of first thing in the morning, this way it gives the water time to settle overnight. Bob asked if him and Steve are part of the water district, Bill said yes. Bob also stated there is a young child who has gotten sick that lives on Caroline street, and the Doctor said it could possibly be from the child bathing in the water. Bob asked about a water project being done on Main street at one point, and everyone being offered free water during this time. Kevin said that there was no free water offered, usage was estimated at the time, and people were offered free filters if they chose to use them. Bob thinks that the residents on Caroline street should not be charged for water, until the issue is resolved. Steve and Bob did agree that Bill is doing everything he can do at this time. Bob also was wondering how the town could afford to pay for the payloader with cash. Bill said it came out of the capital reserve fund.

     The Board reviewed the monthly report, David Fisher made a motion, 2nd by Kevin Finnegan to acknowledge the receipt of the monthly report, All were in Favor.

     The board reviewed the monthly bills, General # 249-278 for $25,508.04, Highway #138-158 for $247,790.82, Water #65-74 for $2,106.54, Sewer #65-76 for $3,644.81, Lighting #10 for $1,365.56, and Trust and Agency #10 for $6,928.48. Garry Wells made a motion, second by David Fisher to pay the bills. All were in Favor.

      Communications: The Justice Court Fund for the month of August was $736.00 for the town, and $809.00 for the state.

     The Town Of Macomb is looking to have other municipalities pass a 2nd amendment preservation act into local law.

     Department of Public Service is looking for input on Broadband services, and highspeed internet availability in NY.

     SLC Insurance plan form for employees will be posted in the breakroom.

     St. Lawrence Council of seniors notified the town they will not be having a meeting in the Community Building in November.

     Zachary Risk Management sent a letter for sexual harassment training, there is a video that is available to be watched instead of in person training.

     The Municipal dog shelter has failed their inspection report, due to Inadequate ventilation, insufficient cleaning , improper paperwork, and damaged fencing/Kennels.

     Highway: Bill Barkley asked if there was a right of way for draining on the property that was donated to the town.

     An inspection on the water tower was done, Waiting on the report.

     Bill is going to start working on the sand pile.

     Rural water is offering a sewer class.

     Old Business: The town is seriously considering contracting with the Potsdam Humane Society to be the municipal shelter. Alicia Maynard from PHS spoke with the board over the phone, and the board asked if the town would still have to provide an animal control officer, or if the shelter provides one. Alicia said that the town would still have to have and pay for their own ACO, the cost of the contract is $2,900.00 for the first year, and this covers the housing for animals. The contract would be renewed year by year, and could go up depending on the amount of animals being taken in from Madrid.

     Tony is going to make a copy of the letter he has received from National Grid for the board members to review.

     Looking into getting WIFI for the community building.

     Bill has received two quotes for a security system at the park, first one being from NCC for $4,819.63, and the second being from Barkley’s Lock and Safe for $5,535.84.

     New Business: There will be a second special meeting to review the 2022 tentative budget on Thursday, October 21, 2021.

     Brooke Pryce contacted Kevin Finnegan about the conditions of the playground, she gave him  photos of equipment that has profanity spray painted on it, and other people that are in need of repair. Alicia Taillon would like to start a group that could try to get some of the equipment upgraded. Kevin suggested fundraising is the way to go, as this is how the park has been updated in the past. Tammy suggested closing the park, and having one of the older slides removed, and one other piece of equipment that is outdated. Tammy is going to get together with Kevin, and Alex who are on the Park and Rec. committee to discuss this further.

     Kevin Finnegan made a motion, 2nd by David Fisher to approve the minutes of the September 8, 2021 Board Meeting.

     Kevin Finnegan made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 P.M.


     Zoe Hawkins, Town Clerk

October 21, 2021

     A public hearing was called to order for the board to discuss the 2022 Tentative budget.

     Members Present: Tony Cooper, David Fisher, Alex Smith, Garry Wells, Kevin Finnegan, Bill Barkley Hwy. Supt. and Zoe Hawkins, Town Clerk.

     Also Present: Amy Moulton, Brooke Pryce, Jenn Coakley, Anna Campbell, and Collin Nicol.

     Brooke Pryce had some questions on how the youth budgets were broken down, Amy explained to her how baseball, the ice rink, and the summer rec program come out of the budget. Brooke presented the baseball budget, and explained how a large amount of the equipment needs to be replaced, as it hasn’t been done in years. There was a motion made by David Fisher, 2nd by Alex smith that unused money from Youth Personal services A7110 7110-1 can be moved to Youth Programs Contractual A7310-7310-4, and Brooke can turn vouchers in before the end of the year to pay for needed baseball equipment. All were in favor of this.

     After reviewing the budget David Fisher made a motion, second by Kevin Finnegan to adopt the tentative budget as the 2022 Preliminary Budget and to have a public hearing on the Preliminary Budget on November 3rd  @ 6 PM with the regular meeting to start immediately after. All were in favor.

     Bill spoke to Calvin Rose about purchasing a used road side mower, Bill asked the board if they wanted him to pursue this. Kevin Finnegan made a motion, 2nd by Alex Smith for bill to purchase this, but is not to spend more than $8,500.00. All were in favor.

     Kevin Finnegan Made a motion 2nd by David Fisher to adjourn the meeting at 7:34 P.M.


     Zoe Hawkins, Town Clerk